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Thursday, April 10, 2014

PROTON SAVVY with HKS ground kit


part 2

Back again for awhile... Yesterday really rush a bit because I have an appoinment with my girl... It's nothing, just a normal dinner. But, yeah I'm not gonna mess up with her by saying "I'm sorry darling, can't dinner with you tonight..." I'm gonna lost my life if I say so...

Alright, lets skip this and see what I got for my Proton Savvy...


Found it on my store room last few days. Been keeping it for so long and never open it yet. It was originally bought for my NISSAN SUNNY B11, but since my B11 already on best, wont need it anymore...

Haven't install it yet...need to find the correct point so that my car wont catch on fire. LOL... will upload soon after installation...

Wait for my next update again.... D4F with HKS ground kit.


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